When dealing with a chronic skin condition such as psoriasis, it’s important to have a doctor on your side you can count on. There are situations that require you to rely on same-day psoriasis dermatology in Maryland for specialized care. 

If you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to know when to see a dermatologist and the easiest way to schedule and prepare for your appointment. This guide explains all that and more!

Psoriasis 101: An Overview of the Condition and Treatment

A chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by the overproduction of skin cells, psoriasis presents as thick, red, scaly patches on the skin. It is often accompanied by itching, pain, and inflammation, and it can affect various parts of the body.

Since there is no known cure, the goal is to reduce symptoms and manage flare-ups. Options include prescription topical and oral medications, Exciplex UVB therapy, oral medications, and biologic drugs that target the immune system.

Also, your dermatologist may recommend lifestyle changes and stress management techniques that complement medical treatments.

What Reasons Should I Schedule an Appointment for Same-Day Psoriasis Dermatology in Maryland?

Here are six reasons you should not hesitate to visit a board-certified dermatologist:

  • New symptoms: If you have moderate or severe psoriasis, you are likely already familiar with some symptoms, but new ones like difficulty completing daily tasks warrant a visit.
  • Persistent itchiness / scratching: For those with severe psoriasis, itching is a bothersome symptom, often described as painful and burning. While common, it can be managed. Persistent itching may signal a new approach to treatment may be necessary.
  • Lack of social interaction: Psoriasis can have a psychological impact, causing self-consciousness and anxiety. If it affects your social life, consult your dermatologist for advice on improving self-confidence, including wardrobe and makeup suggestions to conceal symptoms.
  • Vacation: TSA regulations limit carry-on liquids, and this poses challenges for psoriasis sufferers who require larger topical creams that need to be applied during plane travel due to the dry air. To make travel easier, it is recommended you obtain a doctor’s letter or prescription copy.
  • Joint problems: Up to 30% of adult psoriasis patients develop psoriatic arthritis, characterized by joint pain and stiffness. Do not ignore symptoms like joint swelling, pain, stiffness, warm joints, and nail changes. It is imperative to consult with your dermatologist for an evaluation.
  • New treatments: The medical industry is ever-evolving. Interested in new medication or other remedies? You should ask if they might work for you and how they might complement your current treatment plan.

What Advice Is There for Scheduling a Quick Appointment, and How Do I Prepare?

When you need an appointment fast, the most important thing you can do is remain flexible. Sometimes your regular dermatologist may not be available. However, another provider is who has access to your medical records. So, it’s important to be willing to be seen by another provider in the practice.

Also, if you have a same-day psoriasis dermatology appointment in Maryland, you might not have a lot of time to get ready. However, don’t panic! It’s pretty easy to get ready for your visit.

When possible, jot down details of all of your symptoms as well as any questions you might have for quick reference. You should wear loose-fitting clothing that can facilitate a physical exam. Do not wear nail polish or makeup, as these can mask symptoms. 

Get the Compassionate Care You Deserve at Kindred Hair & Skin Center!

Our team truly understands how difficult it can be to manage psoriasis, and we are here to help. If you need to schedule a routine exam or are concerned about new symptoms, please do not hesitate to book your appointment. Contact us at 443-424-7754 now!

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Welcome to our practice. I believe each and everyone deserves beautiful skin and hair which is what I strive to do for all my patients.

About Us

Welcome to our practice. I believe each and everyone deserves beautiful skin and hair which is what I strive to do for all my patients.

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Phone #:  (443) 424-7754
Fax #: (443) 303-2913
Address: Kindred Hair & Skin Center

11125 Stratfield Ct
Marriottsville, MD 21104

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